Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hye there!


Al kisah.. tersebut lah kisah seorang anak muda yang berasal dari wilayah Harimau Selatan.. yang sedang berusaha menuntut ilmu di tanah pusaka..... OK STOP IT! haha

Hye,assalamualaikum :)
okay,my name is NOOR HAMIDAH BT ALAM SHAH but for short you all can call me MIDA jehh..
i'm 18 y/o (still awet muda) and i'm from Johor Bahru.. and now,i am pursuing my studies in Form 6 at Kota Tinggi which is SMK TUN HABAB.. sekolah Kluster tauuu haha!

Well actually,this blog was created for my ICT subject je.. and it is a coursework. kalau tak buat,boleh FAIL! hmmm,tak pernah terlintas pun dalam kepala nak create a blog sebab like seriously i've NO IDEA nak tulis apa!!! tapi nak buat macam mana kan.. zaman dah maju,dunia dah berubah.. tak kan lah Y-generation tak expert in ICT ni semua.. malu lah kan. haha so by hook by crook kena lah buat jugak!

So,i hope after this banyak lah idea idea gila yang dapat i post in this blog :)

So,i think thats all for my intro. i'm a bit GILA GILA. so,i hope everyone dont get offended or terasa ke whatever lah kan... sebab this is me :)